Nectarine adventures!

Created by Sharon 2 years ago

Karen asked me to come down to look after her after one of her stops in hospital. She was still very poorly but after a few days she decided she wanted fresh nectarines. Now in the middle of November in the UK it was a challenge! Then subsequently asked for them to be peeled and cut into easy to eat pieces. The delight was worth the effort and I have never looked at a nectarine since without thinking of that moment! 

That was closely followed by us watching Masterchef and me trying to create a masterpiece with Roast beef slices, tomatoes and horseradish sauce! Then Karen, Tiffany, Dillon and myself all eating Roast Chicken. 

Despite being poorly we had lots of giggles, and chatted about things and put the world to rights. There was lots of singing, Karen loved singing. She even sang song after song while she was in the shower, as she said she didn't want me to worry. Musical number after musical number and then a bit of Tragedy. 

So many happy memories in that week and I'm so glad that even though we didn't get to do what we had planned, we had the time together. Karen was one of those people you met and felt you had been friends forever. An amazing, beautiful person inside and out, the world was richer for having you in it and I'm devastated that our time has run out. But I know there would have been a huge welcome for you over the bridge from all those who have gone before and Bailey would have been right there at the front with Coffee to great you. Karen we will love you foreve. Night night sweet dreams sleep well, Love you to the moon and back and round the stars and no return xxxx
